Votre panier est actuellement vide !


« These days, everyone is well aware of the importance of eating well, having a healthy, balanced diet, and enjoying it at the same time!
– Grumpy-Chef
With a multicultural upbringing (French-Sierra Leonean mother, Senegalese father), I was introduced to the flavors of the world from an early age. This culinary diversity has naturally given me a taste for traveling and discovering new recipes, ingredients and cooking techniques.
After graduating in hotel and restaurant management in Nice, I pursued my culinary adventure around the world, like a true « globe-cooker », with « healthy eating » as my only guiding principle. From Norway to the United States, via Brazil, Australia, Thailand, China and India, I’ve explored new flavors and cooking techniques, always in search of the best way to cook healthily.
Back in France, I decided to share my passion and experience by creating this service. My aim is to offer you healthy, delicious recipes to help you eat a balanced diet without sacrificing taste.